• Updated link to Way Down & an interview with its director

    Since the video posted two days ago was apparently on YouTube without Squeak E. Clean Productions’ permission; it was removed and the staff of Boing Boing have uploaded a new version of it at this address. There’s an interview with its director, Syd Garon. I’m posting a small excerpt here, go to the site to see it. Xeni Jardin: Syd, can you tell us about what we’re seeing here — the story this video tells? How did you develop this visual narrative, in relation to the message of the song (about a woman who falls in love with the Devil?) Syd Garon: Sage was painting these warring gangs of Blue…

  • Invisible Movement + YFIGTASOF donation rally 2009 is on!

    As the longer-term visitors to this website and its forum probably remember well; Invisible Movement had to move servers in November 2006, in a very delicate moment. A bunch of people donated for the new hosting account. For a variety of reasons, I have decided to fund this website by visitors’ donations once more in March last year; and since it’s gained a lot of popularity in the meantime (e.g. 400% increase in audience), it’s getting harder to maintain and the server costs have doubled when the forum was moved to a different server in order to put an end to the downtimes. I enjoy maintaining the website and, in…

  • Popboks.com review of The Empyrean

    While a whole archive of The Empyrean reviews is being built, translated and laid out, I couldn’t resist showing you this one! What a pleasant surprise: a fellow Serbian website, Popboks, has reviewed The Empyrean. If you’re from around these depths, you can read it here; if not, I have translated it for you. The album got 8 out of 10 stars, the reviews was written by Goran Tarlać. Thanks to Bojana for the heads-up! _________________ On a road from a broken junkie, through the rehab survivor of the Peppers family, to a hyperproductive author he is now, this respected guitarist releases his best solo effort. John Frusciante is still…

  • The official video for Way Down, one more review and lyrics

    Here’s the official video for N.A.S.A. song Way Down, featuring Barbie Hatch, RZA and John. The video was directed by Syd Garon and it’s featuring the amazing artwork of Sage Vaughn. It sure is a beautiful thing to see for everyone who loves clever animation. For previews of all N.A.S.A. songs and some live stuff, go to Squeak E. Clean’s blog. For a list of USA and Canada shows go to N.A.S.A. Myspace. For detailed information on where to get The Spirit of Apollo or just this song, click here Here’s one more review bit, from HipHopDX, the whole review can be read here. Another stellar collaboration, “Way Down,” occurs…

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