John and RHCP multimedia

Mayday surprise: 2007 Federation Square Jam

Since this week sure was stressful for some of you (and for me); the other day I promised Twitter followers and Facebook fans something nice. Following the, unfortunately, not always 100% flattering practice of “giving the people what they really want”; I looked at the search logs to see what people wanted to find on this website, yet they didn’t. There were a couple of ridiculous searches (some of which were almost pr0n), but also a bunch of people searching for the video of 11th April 2007 Federation Square Jam in Melbourne.

So, given that Jason of was present at this event back in the days and had ctually filmed it long before Chad Smith’s Eastern Rim DVD saw the light of the day, you can enjoy the whole 26 minutes of this wonderful improvisation. Participants are John, Josh, Flea and Chad. Due to the file size and resolution, buffering might take a while if you’re on a slow internet connection/on a shared network; but it’s 100% worth the wait! Happy 01st May to everyone! ^_^

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For all of you who never noticed the audio of this on the site, click here to find it, amongst some other improvisations and guest appearances. Plus, if it’s something carrying the download ID 1, it must be good. The IDs are given out automatically, but on a couple of occasions, they cracked me up.

For some photos from this event, click here, here and here.

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