Starting a week with an impressive cover song!
I hope you all gave blood today (as it’s the world blood donors’s day) and saved someone’s life…either way, this week will end with something really cool, so it has to start with something really cool. Our Facebook friends and Twitter followers as well as forum members have already seen this, but it’s just so good that it has to be featured on the main page.
[flash]Elias Kahlia, a funk-cellist from Finland is the author of this unusual and incredible cover of RHCP’s Tell Me Baby. As he says, “It starts from learning the blues for both hands. Rhytmic stuff has always influenced me the most, bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Michael Jackson, Toto, Stevie Wonder.. Later there will be a CD and gigs, containing best songs from these bands – but with this crazy funk-cello twist.”
If you liked Elias’ playing, check out his YouTube channel for more!