Saturday Questions

Saturday question #44: Top songs of the noughties (2000-2009)

Singles - just a decorative imageLast week, we did top albums, this week we’re doing top songs.

What are your top albums of the ’00s (that means, albums that were out in the period between 2000 and 2009)? Once again, you can make a top 5, top 10, top 15, anything you like…include links, sound samples, reviews.

One more thing: given that many great songs probably don’t end up released as singles at all, let’s do it like this: if you want, make one list for the songs that were released as singles and one for those that weren’t. As usual, variety is a plus, being one-track-minded is a minus.

For those who don’t know: Saturday questions are a weekly meme on Invisible Movement where the site visitors get their own say. The questions are of a broad range, some of them are directly connected to the site subject and music, some are wonderfully irrelevant and some are very random. This is just a little way for everyone to interact, especially when it comes to people who don’t visit the forum.

For previous Saturday questions, click here. Everyone’s welcome to suggest a question to ask Invisible Movement’s visitors, by sending me a message as well as a DM or @reply to site’s Twitter

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