Swahili Blonde

Listen to a previously unreleased Swahili Blonde track featuring John

Looks like we didn’t have to wait that long for the new Swahili Blonde tracks and two remixes mentioned earlier this month. They’re now available for listening/streaming (though not for downloading) on the project’s BandCamp Page. The release date for the actual album containing these bonus tracks is the 10th October and there’s still no mention of the band on the page of the Japanese cult label, P-Vine.

<a href="http://swahiliblonde.bandcamp.com/album/man-meat-bonus-tracks-japan-release">Man Meat/ Bonus Tracks_japan release by Swahili Blonde</a>

John is indeed listed as the guitarist on the first song, the cover of Bauhaus’ Watch That Grandad Go, which implies it was recorded before…whenever is it that he left this particular band. It’s redundant to remind you why the remixes are interesting, too.

EDITED: If you listened to the song before the morning of 26th/evening of 25th September, listen to it again. The wrong file was uploaded to BandCamp, as the autoress herself stated, too many files on the desktop. Many thanks to “rashomon” who more or less let me know that I had to update the code.

You might also want to check out
Japanese edition of Swahili Blonde’s Man Meat to include remixes
Confirmation: John definitely not in Swahili Blonde anymore
Buy the regular version of the Man Meat album
Pre-order the 2-CD tribute to David Bowie featuring SB which is featuring John (USA link)
Pre-order the 2-CD tribute to David Bowie featuring SB which is featuring John (UK link)
Complete news archive on Swahili Blonde

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