Total Guitar - June 2011
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Clippings – Total Guitar 06/11 and Q 07/11

It’s been a while since there’s been a feature of any kind related to John in guitar magazines, but as it’s apparently the practice of UK-based Total Guitar to tab a Red Hot Chili Peppers song every now and then, there’s a large photo, tabs to Breaking The Girl and a short article concerning BloodSugarSexMagik and how the song came to be. All of it can be found in the June issue.

Click the thumbnails to go to the pages with the scans in the gallery or click here. There is a total of five scanned pages.


And the article is, as said, somewhat irrelevant and seen-it-before.

There’s also a small clipping from the next month’s issue of Q magazine, also from UK. As it’s the 300th issue of the magazine, there is a bunch of good, good quotes from old issues. They quoted John on drug, alcohol and tobacco use from back in 1999.


Here’s what he said back then, transcribed:

“When I was 27 I had a year of not feeling like myself, a year of feeling like I was an impostor who didn’t deserve to be called John Frusciante,” he says. “It was the worst year of my life. But it ended really good. Although the rest of the world still wanted nothing to do with me I was happy within myself through dancing and through writing in notebooks and playing guitar 0 I was trying to record songs, but never finishing any – and doing whatever I wanted to do as far as the drugs go. I was smoking crack all day long, shooting heroin, shooting cocaine, drinking wine, taking valium. I was this close to killing myself. If I had had a gun I definitely would have killed myself. But when I was going extremely fast in my head and feeling I was about to die I would get these warnings from spirits saying, You don’t want to die now. I can see them, it was like they were in my room. And I got back in touch with the spirit that is John Frusciante, I knew that I was who I am and who I’d always been and I didn’t feel like an impostor any more. I don’t smoke cigarettes, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t do drugs. I’m in a healthy state of mind today If tomorrow I’m off in a hotel and smoking crack I can’t do anything about that. It’s what I’m driven to do if it’s what I’m driven to do and I can’t help that.”

You can have a look at the original article that quote was pulled from as well as its scans, as they’ve been in the archive for quite a long time. That way you’ll also see that the above are not really back-to-back quotes.

Many thanks to Rebecca of The Chili Source for getting the magazines. Please, do order the actual TG magazine or get it at your local dealer/news stand for full quality and the CD with instructions, demonstration and backing tracks.

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