Red Hot Chili Peppers

Clash magazine presents Blood Sugar Sex Magik 20 years on

In their issue no 67, Clash Magazine, among other things, revisit the 20th anniversary of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ legendary worldwide breakthrough album Blood Sugar Sex Magik – with nostalgic in-depth feature. In the online preview, written by Simon Harper, readers can remind themselves of the basic story behind the band prior to this album and its epic making-of procedure, as well as what music inspired the Red Hots to come up with their capital masterpiece. For the rest, you’ll have to grab the print edition of Clash.

The entire excerpt is on their website and here’s a relevant bit:

Def Jam founder and Beastie Boys producer Rick Rubin was at the helm to rein in the band’s ideas, which were flowing thick and fast, especially due to the advanced innovations of Frusciante. “John really found himself as a musician during that era,” Kiedis explains. “He was always this kind of uncontained storm of intelligence and talent and desire. No-one worked more hours in the day at practising their instrument and learning about music than John, but he was kind of undefined during ‘Mother’s Milk’, and I think that experience of working with a producer who wanted him to be a certain way, that wasn’t necessarily who he felt he was, drove him even deeper into wanting to express the true nature of his music. And I think that sort of blossomed deeply in ‘Blood Sugar Sex Magik’, where he just found his voice as a guitar player and a singer; he let it show.”

To learn more about the issue, go to the members’ area and to subscribe to the magazine, go to their subscriptions page.

Please, if you get your hands on this, contact this website, so we know what else’s in there and if it’s worth of a couple of scans and a transcript.

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