
John on a BIGDOXX + NDT track

BIGDOXX + NDT - Doxxology
BIGDOXX + NDT - Doxxology
Seems that the little group of the same talented artists that brought us the reverbelicious and tropiccy rhythms of Swahili Blonde never sleeps! They have another track out and John is playing guitar on it.

This time, it’s DOXXOLOGY, a 1-track EP by Bigdoxx, whom we know from dropping some rhymes over Vagenda’s tunes.

The song on the EP is called Indigenous Rhythm and’s labelled as ac ollaboration between Kehinde “Doxx” Cunningham (raps) and Nicole Turley (everything else, apart from guitar and the lead vocals, done once again by Arianna Lady Basco).

You can check the track out for yourself, as usual. And re-embed it and spread if you like it! Its webpage exists, too.

Sadly, this appears not to be downloadable, just like Vagenda’s songs; but there’s a stream and that’s more than enough to enjoy the music.

*Many thanks to Shalhevet for the heads-up.

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