PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone 45-second previews
Some things are just awesome to wake up to – such as previews of what is likely to be the most anticipated album of 2012. We already know from earlier in the year that in case of John’s music, songs can completely change in a matter of seconds and that 45 seconds are just a puzzle to a much bigger picture…but that doesn’t stop samples from being delicious in their own way.
That said, if you like, give them a go. There are samples of all tracks, including the bonus acapella version of Ratiug over at Boundee Japan.
Our awesome friend “AtTheCoachellaIn” who came across this first has compiled the tracks into one handy YouTube video.
Liked it? What are you waiting for? Pre-order the album!
Order the album in Japan
Order the album internationally
Order the album in North America
For more information and availability notes, check the previous post on this and make sure you read it well. And now, let’s hear it from you! How do you like what you have heard?