Japanese store display of PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone

PBX out in Japan…and this is how they do it!

As of today, 12th of September 2012, PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone is out in Japan; though Tower Records begun distributing it yesterday.

We do remember how they honour great musicians over there; so that’s what happened this time, too! Look!

Also, for everyone who was wondering about the one feature on the album – there are two features. As per album credits, Kinetic 9 can be heard MC’ing on Ratiug, which we heard yesterday; and Laena Geronimo, the daughter of former DEVO drummer Alan Myers, a regular contributor to Swahili Blonde and, until recently, bassist of The Like; is playing violin on Uprane.

If you’re from Japan get your copy of the album. If the rest of you want a Japanese version with bonus tracks, a relatively painless option is to get it from Germany.

* Many thanks to Tower Records Japan, Naoko and _TimeForHeroes_, for the photos.

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