PBX out in Japan…and this is how they do it!
As of today, 12th of September 2012, PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone is out in Japan; though Tower Records begun distributing it yesterday.
We do remember how they honour great musicians over there; so that’s what happened this time, too! Look!
Also, for everyone who was wondering about the one feature on the album – there are two features. As per album credits, Kinetic 9 can be heard MC’ing on Ratiug, which we heard yesterday; and Laena Geronimo, the daughter of former DEVO drummer Alan Myers, a regular contributor to Swahili Blonde and, until recently, bassist of The Like; is playing violin on Uprane.
If you’re from Japan get your copy of the album. If the rest of you want a Japanese version with bonus tracks, a relatively painless option is to get it from Germany.
* Many thanks to Tower Records Japan, Naoko and _TimeForHeroes_, for the photos.