Vintage Guitar April 2013 magazine scans & article

As noted some weeks ago, there is a feature on John in this month’s issue of Vintage Guitar magazine. A copy of this has finally been made available to us here, sorry for the long wait.
While it’s mostly covering John’s work with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, mentioning The Empyrean and his post-RHCP projects and collabs sporadically and without much detail whatsoever, this article is a good insight on his playing as a lead guitarist in a rock band, with some essential recommended listens and a quick overlook of his influences and gear most commonly used.
Click the thumbnails to go to the pages with the scans in the gallery or click here.
Transcript is coming up as soon as possible. Until then, here’s a quote:
Frusciante’s lead guitar style boasts many blues-rock and psychedelic elements gleaned from players like Hendrix and Clapton. As a soloist, he varies his sound from full overdrive distortion and fuzz to cleaner ethearal timbres. he employs pentatonic and blues scales for most of his melodic content and will sometimes dip into arpeggio riffs, modal and scalar lines for contrast. Like his role models, he uses string bends, slurs, vibrato, and franatic ostinato riffs. He often colors single-note lines with wah and Univibe-like modulation processing. Like Hendrix and Van Halen, he frequently runes his guitar down one half-step.
If you like what you see, make sure you buy the magazine, which is now available as a back issue.
*Many thanks to Robin Hipps for the scans!