Oor, November 2004
Translated by Maarten Streefland
A Sphere In The Heart Of Silence is for you only if you have ‘a thing’ for the Radiohead of the recent years. The record, officially by Frusciante and multi-instrumentalist Josh Klinghoffer (although you can hear him on every Frusciante record), sounds like a sketch for a Kid A / Amnesiac kind of a record: seven long tracks, where they experiment fully with electronics, melancholic piano themes and really careful dance-rhythms and un-Frusciante-like vocals: high voice, mantra-like structures, complaining tone. But it doesn’t make it less exciting and breathtaking, far from it. Especially Communiqué, full of noises, the impressive Surrogate People and the short ending My Life take your breath away. Well, that’s one more to go then. But I can tell you this: if anyone would ever think of putting Frusciante’s harvest in one collector’s box, it’ll beat every end-of-the-year-list of 2004.
–Erik van den Berg