FINALLY! Speed Dealer Moms’ 12″ available for pre-order!
Ever since Speed Dealer Mom’s first show was announced and their mysterios Myspace page was put up, the band that nobody’s actually heard but everyone knew would be awesome drew quite a lot of attention. They scheduled an appearance at the 2009 Bang Face Weekender on the not-so-fitting date of 26th April and their music machinery failed. They rescheduled the appearance for then-upcoming Bang Fest in August that year and it was canceled. From then on, we only had sporadic word-of-mouth news about them. But the sweet wait is finally over! ^_^

The retailer just informed me (yup, it literally happened that way!) that the FIRST SPEED DEALER MOMS TWELVE INCH RECORD IS AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER! It contains two songs, both likely referring to the dates they were recorded or the month they were recorded:
Here’s what Aaron Funk/Venetian Snares has to say about it.
We each come in with many drum machines, synths, modulars, fx, mixers etc. Our process is based on listening to each other’s programming as we go, and reacting to that as we each program our own parts. Playing off each other in every stage as we write. We record live to stereo and as a rule with these, there are no overdubs and no edits. We don’t know who will drop which of our many parts over what other parts which makes it a really exciting way to jam out a piece of music. This can result in drastically different versions of the same track.
These two tracks were recorded back to back during a Speed Dealer Moms session in early 2010. We noticed that we kept listening to these in the order we had recorded them as though they were already a 12 inch. This is how our first Speed Dealer Moms release accidentally came to be. Speed Dealer Moms is John Frusciante, Aaron Funk and Chris McDonald with many cats.
You can preview and pre-order the single already, as a physical release, mp3 of wav. It works for almost all the world, though a couple of south European ones are missing, as per usual.
So, now we have learnt that Speed Dealer Moms are actually a three-piece, as far as humans and not meow meows are concerned; and that this is only their latest material. For those who don’t remember, John and Aaron have been recording music from at least as long as August 2008.
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