Omar and John

Omar on spontaneity of working with John

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez was recently interviewed for, as a part of their Small Talk feature; and – as it’s been case way too many times in the recent past – he was asked about his work with John. From ego to cooking together, this is what he responded.

So what is it like to work with JF? One might imagine he has quite a big ego and hard time saying no.

You might imagine that someone like John, who’s acchieved so much would have a big ego, but he’s one of the most child-like persons I know. Sure, he’s my friend also, which makes it easier for us to work together. That’s how artists behave, do things with their friends. We hang out a lot together, watch videos, cook food and at some point we might get our hands on a synthesizer and things start happening. We don’t plan making music together, beforehand.

You can read the entire interview here, if you like. And remember, the duo’s 2010-published collaboration album is being re-issued on both transparent red vinyl and a regular CD.

*Many thanks to April, for the heads-up and Marika, for translation.

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