Site updates

Current status

In order to prevent questions…here’s an update of the current site status.
-The board are not affected by any of these things.
-Pages not linked from the main menu are working. Some of them have not been completed, though.
-Guestbook isn’t back yet, as the spammer-safe and CMS-compatible script won’t work, as simple as that.
-Everything that was previously working in the Information section (which is, all but the unfinished gear page) is working. Same goes for the Site, Links and Fanlisting sections.
-Apart from videos, downloads are working, it’s just that some of them need to be added. To make you happy and to bribe you and not have you complain about this revamp, here’s a surprise! The most of the songs John’s performed at this year’s RHCP shows, as well as some jams
-The rest of the site isn’t working, but it should be up soon.

Thanks for your understanding.

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