Site updates

Site updates – 22nd September 2006

Ever had problems with gallery images displaying in pop up windows which are not scrolling and which aren’t big enough? Yes? Well, I apologise for that. From now on, gallery images are opening in a new window instead of a pop-up. I guess that’s more suitable for people with pop-up blockers, anyway. I apologise for any inconvinience you might’ve had in the past with oversized images in tiny windows.

Also, the gallery is due to some much-needed changes this week, so this is probably the last time you’re seeing the gallery pages organised this way. It’s going to be completely chronological and easier to look at from now on…however, the URLs will be slightly longer.

Having said this, you should expect some minor downtime for some of the pages on the site in the coming 5-10 days or so, but I will do my best to make it almost unnoticable. After that, some links in the update log won’t work for a while, since I will have to edit them manually, which is, as you hopefully will understand, a dreadful boring job even for a web designer.


– some magazine articles have been scanned and uploaded:
Guitarist, August 2006 issue [FRESH!] EPS, May 2006 issue – Spanish translator needed for this one, in case anyone’s interested.
Guitar World, June 2004 issue (thanks to Robes)

-some concert shots have been edite and uploaded as well:
Oakland, 25th August 2006 by Amanda Vierra
Bilbao, 18th April 2006 by Esther
Sacramento, 28th August, by Josh Villa
Paris, 9th June, Shefield, 7th, Manchester, 12th, London, 14th and 15th July, all of them by Stuart Byrne.

At this moment, that’s it. Expect some pics from Calgary, Edmonton and Ipswitch very very soon.

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