Site updates

Version 5

I’m presenting you Invisible Movement version five. As you can see, it’s not completely done, because I started working on it on Good Friday and then lost motivation for the Easter and before I realised that I need to continue, it was down for one day. I am slowly working on removing any bugs and any bits of the old layout and then…I guess I am going to update for a change as well. Either way, I beg you, please do have patience for your clumsy webmaster.

I am dedicating this layout to someone very special I met earlier this year. Thank you for giving me the attention I’ve never got in this life, thank you for the trust, thank you for talking to me like we’ve known each other since forever and thank you for inspiring me to change the layout, as the old site was, in your words, too hard to navigate through. Thank you for making me realise that the world is so small, yet so huge at the same time.

That would be it.

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