Site updates

Site updates, 22nd July 2007

First of all, an apology. The “next two days” from the previous update have already turned into a week. Basically, the weather here is unbearable, over 40 degrees Celsius (100 Fahrenheit for you guys over there in USA) and it’s impossible to function normally.

Cosmetic/performance changes on the site:
Once upon a time, there used to be a possibility for people to reply to each other’s comments, like on the oldschool web 1.0. forums. Well, now it exists again. Also, comments are paged, so only ten of them appear on a single page. The guestbook is finally split in pages as well. There are many other interesting things on comment pages, hope you’ll be as amused as I am.

I have fixed the scans of the Guitar issue for July 2007, and added the missing pages. I was not aware that something broke during the upload last time, sorry. Oh yes, and the cover can be found here, too…another thing I forgot the first time.

More live photos from the summer 2007 European RHCP tour:
01st July, Hamburg – by Alena Å ljivo
01st July, Hamburg – by Anita C.S.
01st July, Hamburg – by Holger Alts
01st July, Hamburg – by Martina C.
01st July, Hamburg – by Patrick Kar
01st July, Hamburg – by Sascha Borsdorf
04th July, Dresden – by Mrs.Pissy
04th July, Dresden – by Sascha Borsdorf
06th July, Paris – by Mrs.Pissy
08th July, Roskilde – by Pamela Peepson

One more time:
Please, don’t ask about the videos until I’m done transfering them. And read the first paragraph of this news item again.

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