Site updates, 27th July 2007
Guess what? Automatic update notification is back, thanks to FeedBurner, an awesome website that helps you keep track of everything you want to read. You can choose to subscribe to the Invisible Movement’s RSS feed or, if you’re not into the web 2.0 stuff yet, there’s the good old email subscription form. This time, it’s spam proof, as it’s handled by an external service.
Videos are back!
The video downloads page is living again. So far, I put back the most wanted section of it, the interviews. So many people asked for the 2006 Guitar World lesson & interview. Well, now you can download it again.
Interviews, 1988-1992
Interviews, 1993-1997
Interviews, 1998-2001
Interviews, 2002-2004
Interviews, 2005-2007
Other/uncategorised clips
And, as we all know, my videos from Green Fest have been online for quite a while as well.
In the next update, very very soon, some more videos, articles and something you have not seen on Invisible Movement before!