Site updates

Site updates, 01st August 2007

Having hit the 500 000 visitors milestone right after the month’s started, 08th July being the best day in the site history when it comes to number of visitors and the whole month of July being the overall statistics champion ever since the site went online, Invisible Movement sure has reasons to celebrate.

Green Fest story, first three parts
Due to an extreme lack of time and sudden raise of this website’s popularity, I have managed to write only three parts of the Green Fest story so far. The rest of the pages are password-protected as I have not finished them yet, but I promise that will be done soon.
Story index
Part one
Part two
Part three

The story so far has received very positive feedback from a critic whose opinion really matters, so I hope to get some feedback from you as well. Comments on story are allowed, there’s even a comment form, just like on the news items; however, as usual, they’re moderated and anything malicious, bellitling, stupid and evil will be removed and the authors might be blocked, depending on what they do so…be careful and think twice before you write something.

More videos re-added:
Notable RHCP TV performances, 2005-2007
Marian’s videos from East Rutherford, 17th October 2006
Marian’s videos from Albany, 21st October 2006
My and my friends’ videos from Vienna, 07th December 2006
Marian’s video from Charlottesville, 26th January 2007

There are still around 100 videos scheduled to be re-added to the site before I start adding the new ones, believe it or not. I even put a neat progress bar there instead of answering continuous question about when the _____ video will be online again.

A bunch of articles transcribed:
Guitar World, May 2004
Classic Rock, June 2004
Guitar World, June 2004
Amplifier, September 2004
Filter, October 2004
Magnet, October 2004
Total Guitar Beginners’ Special 5
Guitar Player, January 2005
Jane, January 2005
Guitar World, February 2005
Guitar World Acoustic, April/May 2005
Total Guitar, May 2005

All of these were transcribed by Caroline from France, to whom I’m eternally thankful for having taken up such a hard job. Amazing, indeed! However, knowing that there’s twenty more of them, I’ll leaven them for the next update.

Also, all these transcripts are now linked to scans and viceversa, and many of them are separated in 2-8 pages for easier viewing. :mrgreen: 😉

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