Events/gigs,  John and RHCP multimedia,  Red Hot Chili Peppers

Leeds festival – 26th August 2007

First of all, until 03rd September, you can watch some of the Reading set at this URL. I know how to rip and I would rip it and extract the best parts for you, but my computer has a problem with the rstp protocol and it won’t even let me watch it. So, if anyone knows how to rip from the stream (as I assume I’m not the only person in the world with that superpower…), it would be nice if you could rip this 🙂

Yorkshire Evening Post review
NME review with a partial setlist. BTW, John did not do a solo at this show, for the first time after the Bilbao promo on 18th April 2006.

And this is what happened at Reading

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