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Invisible Movement needs your help (again, unfortunately!)

OK, this one is serious. And rather urgent.

Invisible Movement needs help to stay on its feet for the second time. For those of you who were not following this website in November 2006 and for those of you who don’t remember it, back in the days the old hosting company kicked out of its server because of “using up too much of the system resources” and, thanks to an amazing person, who partly made this site what it is and who is and always will be the most wonderful human on Earth, no matter where she is and what she is doing right now, who agreed to accept donations at her PayPal, a donation rally for new hosting was started.

And then, a bunch of people donated enough money for the best hosting ever to be bought and the remaining amount was used for the longer-term domain name renewal. One of them, certain J.H. most likely gave twice as much as everyone else together.

In the meantime, I was 100% sure that I’ll be able to pay new hosting once the current offer expires with my debit card. Unfortunately, the situation in this country did not change, there’s still no possibility to use PayPal and, apparently, even though I tried, it turned out that I cannot use my debit card online and, as the current hosting offer expires in about ten days, so there isn’t much time to react or to send money by snail-mail to someone who would be able to pay it.

In short, Invisible Movement will need to run another donation rally this week.

Before anything else is done: I’m looking for a volunteer who can use PayPal and who will be able to accept the payments and then, when it’s all done, just transfer the donated amount of money onto the hosting company’s account. The person, of course, needs to be trusting enough to do this.

So, if you think you could handle being the volunteer for this process, please, contact me. I will pick the person who seems to be the most reliable or the first reliable enough to come up, then the donation rally will start.

I hope that, among 40 000 people who visit this website each month, there’s someone who could help with this.

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