Red Hot Chili Peppers

Give It Away among top 5 90s’ songs on 411 Mania

The nice people of 411 Mania have come up with yet another list, this time the Absolute Best Singles Of The 1990s. Two of the reviewers have chosen RHCP’s Give It Away. One of them appears to be a real human, the other some made-up person so…here’s one real, serious comment and one to make you laugh.

2. Red Hot Chili Peppers – “Give It Away”: The first Red Hot Chili Peppers song that made an impact on the ears of mainstream rock listeners, “Give It Away” is a funky, catchy, and bass-full single that features fantastic performances from everyone involved. What else needs to be said? It’s Red Hot Chili Peppers people!
(Dan Marsicano)

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers – “Give It Away”: Maybe you notta know this, but they release this one in my country with a bonus giveaway, which be a sock. That be a penis and balls sock, which is good for many beaches very close to me. For a whole summer, we use-a our penis and balls sock, thanks to the Chili Peppers. Very good song, too.
(Victorela Esponza)

For the whole list, do click here. The rest of “Victorela Esponza”‘s list is quite…memorable.

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