Photo - Julie Jacobson

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you, thank you, thank you; visitors of this website. The community spirit has never been like this before.

The donation rally resulted in the biggest number of donations ever and probably the biggest amount ever donated, so not only that the site’s hosting was paid; but the message board finally has up-to-date, legal and perfect software. There are still some errors to iron out as well as work on its looks, but it works, it’s public if you want to read it and registration is quite simple if you would like to participate in discussions.

“Normal service” shall resume come today/tomorrow. It was the summer, after all. As many people pointed out, not much is going on, but we have to accept it and hope for the best, as there’s absolutely no reason to be pessimistic. ^_^ In the meantime, there’s quite a lot of stuff that was not uploaded and published yet, probably enough for 3-5 more years to come. The huge re-design is on the way, too.

Much love to everyone. You won’t be reading anything of this kind again until the site’s 7th birthday celebration late in November. And if you have a problem with what appears on the front page, you might want to read the entire news archive, from mid-2004 on.

Once again, thank you and much love.

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