Red Hot Chili Peppers
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Red Hot Chili Peppers Urge People to Help Ukrainian Refugees

Red Hot Chili Peppers have joined a growing number of celebrities who are asking people to help millions of refugees and displaced people affected by the Russian attack on Ukraine that has been going on for more than a month now. They addressed fans via an instagram video, that appears to have been recorded at the Amoeba store where they played an acoustic set the other day.

“We are here today to support the Ukrainian refugees and all in favour of our support [?].” said Flea and then Anthony Kiedis took over.

“We would like to help raise money and ask the world leaders and the not world leaders to contribute whatever you can to help the refugees because refugees always need help and we wouldn’t ask you to do anything that we wouldn’t do ourselves.”

After a short exchange with Chad Smith who said that he would help as well, Anthony added that we should all be aware of refugees and contribute love, cash, whatever we want.

Your admin absolutely supports this wonderful decision and is eager to spread the word. One of Invisible Movement’s earliest supporters and my partner in crime when it came to shenanigans we pulled on the ancient RHCP message board in mid-2000s, one of the first people who believed that this website would be something extraordinary is an Ukrainian man born shortly before the Chernobyl disaster. Back then we often spoke of the horrors of war and I told him about the 1999 NATO bombing and the lasting trauma from it and the far worse things that my friends from other ex-Yugoslav countries and areas of my country where it was allowed to shoot any kind of a target at any time of the day or night have experienced. The nightmare unfolding in Ukraine and have already surpassed the levels of horror known to us from southeastern Europe.

If you live in one of the nearby countries or a transit country like I do – please, consider donating food, clothes and whatever else your local Ukrainian embassy, charities and NGOs request from people, take part in protests.

How to donate to Ukraine relief efforts.

No more wars.

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