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Introducing: a comprehensive JF video archive!

For the past couple of days, there have been hints to a new, new thing to be revealed on 01st June on this website; on its Twitter, Facebook and Myspace accounts. 33 people were given the link to test it and they provided very good and accurate feedback.

And this is what it was:
Video archive preview
Click on the image or here to access it.

This project has two goals: just like the rest of this website, to follow and archive the career of a musician impressive in many ways and, of course, to make you all happy. Go there, click away, watch the videos, comment, rate, be nice and come back with any suggestions or recommendations you might have.

So far, the archive contains out of 250 videos of interviews, live footage, documentaries, instructional videos and misc. clips from 21 years of John’s music career. They have all been adjucted as much as possible to achieve the best quality and they’re streamed in .flv extention, with various levels of compression. In short, it’s like Invisible Movement’s own YouTube, Dailymotion or Vimeo; with a couple of differences: no user profiles, no own uploads, everything’s hand-picked and fine-tuned by the webmaster.

There are at least 500 other videos in the review/adjuct/edit queue and that does not even include full shows, so I can asure you this section will always be in construction. And here’s for filling it with fresh new material in August!

Many thanks to everyone who’s been sending over their live video footage over the years. Now you know where it went and, of course, all of you are encouraged to send whatever you may have after making sure it’s OK as there are some limitations.

Thank you for testing: Katie, Hrvoje, Eleni, Gizem, Matty, Máté, Sophus, Chris O, Jo, Emma, Tanya, Carole, Jill, Kyale, Petra, Biljana, Daniela, Abby, Bojana, Ivan, Shira, Maja, Mark, Nella, Silvia, Dora, Daria, Nick, “Cary the Mute”, “Untitled #11” and Billy Erupto. Special thanks to Robert and Leni for their help with extracting some video and, though he didn’t know about this, a very special thanks to Jason for always making the community a better place! A totally unrelated thanks goes to Sharon and Simon who somehow motivated me to sit down and finally start doing this after a long early May day. Thank you all. And happy birthday to Mira – 28 IS OLD.

(That was some good mood and spontaneous stuff, sorry!)

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