Swahili Blonde

Swahili Blonde – new artwork, musician, song versions and single re-release

Swahili Blonde's third (!) take on Elixor Fixor cover artFor everyone who’s been following one of a couple of known projects John’s been taking part in since his departure from the Red Hot Chili Peppers; here’s some news on Swahili Blonde.

While the release date for the physical version of the Elixor Fixor single, which will contain a remix, is not yet known, there’s (yet again) new artwork for it, featuring a cute animal from the cat family.

Even though the project was labeled an one-person-show or DIY come six months ago, at this point, there are five people participating. After John, violinist Laena Myers-Ionnita and drummer Stella Mogzawa, the fifth person to join Nicole Turley’s afro-beat/tango effort is a multi-instrumentalist Michael Quinn, known to the local scene and beyond for his impressive project, Corridor.

Quinn has already contributed his cello and trumpet overdubs to the most recent SB song, LeMampatee; so if you head over to their Myspace, you can listen to the song’s new version. The difference is evident.

UPDATE 02nd February 2010- the 2nd version of the single is available
You can now also acquire the second version of Elixor Fixor, featuring a remix. The remix lacks the guitar and the leading track is an edit, noted to last shorter than the one previously released. For an Easter egg in the song itself, tune the last two seconds up and listen carefully. You might be able to hear someone whom you’ve heard before (clue: smiley at the end…).

You might also want to check out
The first news post on Swahili Blonde
The project’s participation in a David Bowie tribute
The 2nd version of artwork – with giraffes

*Many thanks to Laura for heads-up on the new musician in the project and to Travis for heads-up.

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