Red Hot Chili Peppers to be inducted in Rock and Roll hall of Fame!

Here’s the official statement from Rock and Roll Hall of Fame:
2012 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees
The founding members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers have already reacted to the news – Flea on his blog and Anthony Kiedis in an interview, and while Flea mentioned John by himself, Kiedis was asked about him by the interviewer.
Flea, on his redhotchilipeppers.com blog:
It also makes me think of something I think of everyday anyways. Of John Frusciante, the virtuoso musician and songwriter who gave so much to our band. Without him, we would not be going to the hall of fame. He wrote countless great things with us, played an infinite amount of stunning things, and taught us how to be a great band. He helped lift us to a much higher level, he is the greatest. We connected deeply for many years, and he left our band with many gifts.
Make sure you read the entire entry, Hall of Faaaaaameeee.
Anthony Kiedis, for Rolling Stone:
Do you think that John Frusciante will come to the induction?
Ummm… Wow. It would be a guess on my behalf on whether or not he’ll come. I can’t imagine that he would, but it’s a “you never know” kind of thing. I haven’t talked to him in quite a while. I don’t know where he’s at these days. He’ll obviously be more than welcome, and embraced if he does. If he doesn’t, that’s cool too.
Make sure you read the entire interview, Anthony Kiedis on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction: ‘My Dad Cried When I Told Him’
If you’re interested in going to Cleveland to see the induction on April 14th 2012, the tickets for the ceremony are 50 and 100$ each and you can find more information here.