John and RHCP multimedia
Great and raw audio interview from 2004 sees the light of the day!
The staff of are employees of the Franco-German TV network ARTE and they have decided to share a number of gems they recorded throughout years – whether it’s audio or video – with the worldwide web. Five years ago, in 2004, they interviewed John at the Four Seasons in Paris, during his promotional duties for Shadows Collide With People. The interview is raw, sincere and there are no interviewers’ questions – a soundtrack was added to it instead. The interview is currently being transcribed, but in the meantime, enjoy the excerpt from its very beginning. I listen to music constantly, all day long, every day, and-and it’s never for…
Storm/Splash wallpaper for visitors of
Here’s another wallpaper for you all, it’s been a while. As you can probably guess, it’s almost cataclysmic. The screen resolution this wallpaper was indended for is 1280×1024, but it’s also available in 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050 and 1920×1200; as well as 320×480. Click on the preview below to grab the wallpaper in 1280×1024 from the gallery and download other sizes below. 320×480 800×600 1024×768 1152×864 1280×800 1440×900 1600×1200 1680×1050 1920×1200
Mayday surprise: 2007 Federation Square Jam
Since this week sure was stressful for some of you (and for me); the other day I promised Twitter followers and Facebook fans something nice. Following the, unfortunately, not always 100% flattering practice of “giving the people what they really want”; I looked at the search logs to see what people wanted to find on this website, yet they didn’t. There were a couple of ridiculous searches (some of which were almost pr0n), but also a bunch of people searching for the video of 11th April 2007 Federation Square Jam in Melbourne. So, given that Jason of was present at this event back in the days and had ctually…
Celebrating’s 5th nameday and 1 500 000 visitors with videos – Part 2
As said earlier today, 13th February happened to be the fifth anniversary of purchasing this domain name and starting a crash course in frankensteining the mammoths, washing this thing with a toothbrush for babies et cetera. And, to celebrate that occasion and one million and five thousand hundredth visitor to the site sometime today, we’re having a V-day. Video, not things commonly glued to buildings on fire, don’t worry. These two videos are not full clips, each one is 3 minutes long and they’re both from 02nd February 2004, from one of the two Ataxia shows, also known as Performance 3. Due to the memory of cameras in early 2004,…
Celebrating’s 5th nameday and 1 500 000 visitors with videos – Part 1
The most of you of you know that Invisible Movement is a Saggitaurus and that it was “born” on 24th November 2004. However, the domain was registered more than seven months before that, as a project of this size required careful preparation. So, I like to say that it was conceived on 13th April 2004, thus making 13th April its nameday. I won’t bother you with the story behind it, as it involves a human, two different trees, tram number two and a McToast; but if you continue reading this, you’re in for a surprise. One day later in some timezones, yes, because my ISP was refusing to cooperate during…
Two BIG guest wallpapers made by Leni
It’s been a while since Invisible Movement featured something nice for your desktops. So, in order to celebrate 09th April (which is a holiday in some people’s minds, e.g. mine); here are two HQ wallpapers made by the ever so helpful Leni, one of the longest-term contributors to this site and one of the occasional knights of the Stone Cold Bush round table. The wallpapers are available in 1680×1050, 1280×1024, and 1024×768. 1024×768 1024×768 1680×1050 1024×768 1024×768 1680×1050 If you’re interested in more wallpapers in a variety of screen resolutions, you might want to check this one, these two, this one or this one For more of Leni’s wallpapers, in…
- floor wallpaper for y’all, in ten different resolutions
You guys asked for more wallpapers that are suitable for a wide range of screen resolutions and some people hinted that The Empyrean should be involved in a subtle way; so…what you’ve asked for is what you’ll get! The screen resolution this wallpaper was indended for is 1280×1024, but they’re also available in 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1440×900, 1600×1200, 1680×1050 and 1920×1200. Since the idea itself allows some manipulation, the original wallpaper has one order of elements, the 4:3 ones another and the widescreen ones yet again, looks different. And, for the first time ever on Invisible Movement, you can also have this wallpaper in 320×480. Click on the preview below…
Two conceptual wallpapers for Invisible Movement visitors!
Given how beautiful Sarah Sitkin’s photos from The Empyrean covershoot were and how I just wanted to give you all a decent wallpaper. I’m not a fan of the last two I made, though some people should think twice before they send a rude comment to a person who’s actually in Adobe-approved college programme. So, coming up with something based on those photos that is deserving of the album’s beauty was too hard. What makes it extra hard is that there’s a whole palette of screen resolutions amongst the site’s visitors. I pulled the most common ones from Google Analytics. And so, I came up with two wallpapers in a…
An Unreachable wallpaper for the hump day!
For all of you who find Wednesdays quite boring for whatever reason, here’s another wallpaper…for those who like it dark, for those who like lyrics and meant to look different and kinda 3D depending on what side of the TFT screen you’re looking at from. I don’t know how it will look like on CRT screens, so that shall be a surprise. It was inspired by Unreachable. Click on the preview to be taken to its page. Once again, it’s in 1280×1024, because bigger is better. P.S. There are two much better wallpapers waiting to be seen by you somewhere in the depths of this computer. Look out for them…
John and Josh on The Watt from Pedro show!
John and Josh are Mike Watt’s guests on the newest episode of his podcast, The Wat from Pedro show, which was aired on 25th January. In the massive three-hour episode of the show, which you can download from the podcast website in two different formats, you can witness brother Matt’s spin cycle w/John Frusciante, Josh Klinghoffer + Watt collaborating (yes, it’s a jam); but also hear four songs off John’s new album: Before The Beginning, Dark/Light, God, Enough Of Me; as well as a bunch of tunes from Watt and his guests’ collections. Kudos to Nick for this awesome news! UPDATE: right-click and pick save as/save link as to download…