Nice news for fans from UK and Denmark
Seems like there will be many chances for fans in some countries to catch John in action these days…read on, read on. For UK people: The music channel Q is having a Red Hot Chili Peppers special this weekend. The Q magazine has the band on its front cover and there’s a huge article. By the way, if anyone’s willing to send me a copy of that magazine, I will be thankful. The band will also be doing a live show on Virgin radio sometime soon, but the date isn’t confirmed yet (thanks to Amina for the news). For Danish people: Official RHCP fanclub will be giving away 25 pairs…
More info on Dani California premiere + the cover
According to MTV, Dani California will be aired for USA fans on MTV and MTV Overdrive at 23h (11PM) on Tuesday, 4th April, immediatelly after “10 Spot” in the proper timezone. From that point on, MTV Overdrive will be playing the video on-demand. For more info on MTV Overdrive, click here. So far, no information has been provided for any other country. As stated on redhotchilipeppers.com, a 60-seconds making the video clip is available on many wireless carriers, yet again in USA only. The names of those carriers haven’t been put up, so please don’t ask, as I have no clue about the mobile networks over there.
WB’s press release on Dani California and Stadium Arcadium
(as seen on marketwire.com, directly from WB) The track listing for both of the Stadium Arcadium CDs has been confirmed. Dani California video will be aired worldwide next week, first in USA on 4th, then in UK on 5th and in all the other countries (as if we were all less important, imagine that) on 6th April. And, once again, it’s mostly going to be insider Los Angeles-related babbling. The Red Hot Chili Peppers will unleash a two-CD set, “Stadium Arcadium” (Warner Bros.), on May 9, 2006. The collection will contain 28 songs divided between two discs, one dubbed “Jupiter” and the other “Mars.” “It’s a double dose from a…
More news on the Hughes album John contributes on
According to blabbermouth.net, Glenn Hughes’ album which features John as one of the guest artists, will be titled Music for the Divine. Before it’s published, the Australian version of the previous album, Soul Mover will see the light of the day in Australia and, Nights In The White Satin, the cover of the Moody Blues’ song that features John on guitar and backing vocals, will be added to it as a bonus track. If you’re interesting in reading the whole article; where Hughes describes the recording of Nights In The White Satin with John and Chad, click here.
John has conjuctivitis; RHCP pulled out of tonight’s show
Red Hot Chili Peppers have withdrawn from today’s filming of the CDUSA show in Hollywood in the last minute, since John couldn’t play due to heavy conjuctivitis. “It was so last minute that the band turned up with all their gear and were starting to set it up when the news about John’s eye problems came through. Instead of performing the other three members stuck around for an interview,” an insider said. The webmaster and the I-M.net board members wish John to get well soon.
Pictures from the Visions magazine
There’s a 6-page-article on RHCP in Visions, German magazine for alternative music. And, thanks to wonderful Claudia from Germany, there are two scans from that magazine featuring John in this year’s gallery. Relevant bits of article coming as soon as someone translates this or as soon as I get my hands on it.
A fresh video interview
This surfaced earlier today somehow, even before the official RHCP site actually announced it…it’s an interview with the band where they’re talking about Dani California…song, not the video clip. John is talking for the longest time and, I guess you all recognise the sight of The Past Recedes video. If you want to watch the streaming version of the video, go to this page and select your preferences. If you’re having problems with streams, if they’re banned on your school or office computer, if your internet connection is an excuse for an internet connection; or if you use the stone-age-based 14.4/28.8/22.6 Kbps dial up…or, if you simply want to save…
RHCP on CDUSA in Hollywood on 24th March, for free
As per fanclub email: On Thursday, March 23rd at KLTA/Tribune Studios on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California, Red Hot Chili Peppers will appear on CD USA, a new televised concert series. If you are over 16 years old, live in or around Hollywood, and want to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers for free this Thursday, go to CD USA Tickets right now to reserve your tickets! Those tickets can, apparently, be found in the tickets section of the official site. Good luck!
RHCP in Japanese Crossbeat Magazine and on its cover
This was posted on the official message board by Windupbird. Go and get that magazine…if you’re in Japan, that is. 86960
New (old) interview clip, screencaps and more…
This time the weekend update is late again. Oh well, you’ll agree that life is upredictable. There have been quite a few updates in the gallery, in the screencaps subsection: Road Trippin screencaps have been redone, I am sorry that they were broken for a couple of days. Universally Speaking screencaps have been redone as well. Now there’s actually more than one. Screencaps from making of 6 different RHCP videos are also there. A famous interview clip from 2001 has been added to the site, due to numerous requests for me to put it up if I have it. The German TV station Viva II no longer exists but, during…