Tokyo, Japan, 06th June 2007
Here’s the setlist of the second Tokyo show. If anyone can supply a mp3 and/or a video of John singing ABBA’s SOS, I will love them forever and give them my firstborn…or something.. Oh yes, you will hopefully agree with me that this is a splendid, splendid list…although I’d prefer if there was one more John cover and a Give It Away with an end jam instead of the last song. I’m sucker for long end jams, oh yeah…;) And yes, that’s a hint for 26th June :p Intro Can’t Stop Dani California Otherside 21st Century Fortune Faded Warlocks Parallel Universe John Solo (SOS) Snow (Hey Oh) Higher Ground Strip…
Site updates, 07th June 2007 – Gallery reorganised
I am trying to put back up the most of the stuff that went down at some point and as people complained about gallery the most, here it is, the new gallery. It’s better than ever, the wallpapers are there as well, I might enable the comments option in future (as soon as I figure out how to get rid of the beloved spammers, that is). The most of the live gallery still needs captions and titles. Everything else is working, but there’s much more to come. I’ve been a bit more enthusiastic than usual regarding the screencaps/stills and here’s what I came up with: Screencaps/stills > Making Of I…
AWII competition: replacement winner
As one of the winners never responded to the email asking for address and it’s been ten days, I have picked the replacement winner from the first hat: congragulations to Steffen Triebel of Germany! So, as soon as he responds, both him and Nedjo will get their prizes within a couple of days. Congragulations once again and, everyone else, you’ll have more opportunities to win something, don’t worry. This was just the first competition. And, if that’s of any comfort, I had to buy my own copies of the CD and the T-shirt through someone else, so I totally know how it feels.
Tokyo, Japan – 05th June 2007
Here’s the setlist of the first show of the summer tour and the mini Japan tour. All the credits go to yuskeepepsi. Intro Can’t Stop Dani California Scar Tissue Charlie Readymade Throw Away Tour Television Blood Sugar Sex Magik John Solo* Snow (Hey Oh) Get On Top C’mon Girl Me & My Friends Don’t Forget Me Tell Me Baby Californication By The Way Chad solo / Flea’s Trumpet Solo Under The Bridge Give It Away End Jam *apparently, John tried to sing SOS by ABBA, but it appeared that he forgot the lyrics, so he quickly switched to one of his regular covers, Songbird.
Once again, calling one of the winners.
Diana Barra of Peru, please do get back to the site owner, you won one of the CD+T-shirt packs and you are not responding. If you don’t respond, I am afraid I’ll have to drag another name out of the hat. Thanks.
John on Satellite Party’s album
The long awaited album by Perry Farrell’s new band, Satellite Party, mentioned in a couple of older news items, is finally out. And, as it was noted before as well, John and Flea are guests on one of the songs. The whole album can be heard on the band’s MySpace page and it has a very nice vibe to it, so listening is more than recommended. This is not the first time John appears as a guest on something by mr. Farrell, as he also collaborated on the title track on the singer’s 1999. album Rev. Here’s the tracklisting: Wish Upon A Dogstar 2Only Love, Let’s Celebrate Hard Life Easy…
Ataxia’s AWII released today + competition winners
Ataxia’s AWII (obviously short for Automatic Writing II) is out today. If you have not got it yet, by any means, GET IT NOW!. It’s a great album, in this webmaster’s humble opinion it tops AW. 🙂 Note: if you are from one of the countries that appear blocked on the list, you will have to wait for the album to reach your country or to be available from some other online store, such as Amazon (where it’s not available yet, as of now). Also, to everyone who is lucky to have the album already, please send in some reviews, that would be perfect!:) Happy listening! AWII Competition Results The…
John guest on an Omar Rodriguez-Lopez solo project…again
A little background story: apart from being the guest on all the three studio albums by The Mars Volta so far and appearing as an additional guitarist at their shows every now and then, John was a guest musician on three songs on Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s 2004 album A Manual Dexterity Soundtrack Vol. 1, and they also collaborated on a 2-track special edition vinyl single in November 2005. Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s third solo album, titled Se Dice Bisonte, No Bufalo is due to be officially realised on 29th May, the same day as Ataxia’s AWII. However, that is not the only similarity between these two albums. You guessed, John is working with…
A little apology for the site being full o’ them bugs at the moment. I am sorting out the new gallery and everything else people requested to be added to the site and what they reported as non-working. I’m doing this huge transfer alone, without anyone’s help (mostly because no one else wouldn’t be able to understand what the hell I’m doing at all!) and I picked an uneventful period of time for that purpose so…patience, please 🙂
RHCP nominated for MMU Awards
RHCP have been nominated for the best international group at the Canadian Much Music Awards. You can vote online, by clicking here. The event will take place on 17th June and you can read more about it here.