Site updates

  • A not-so-birthday and global-action-related one.

    Invisible Movement is three years old! officially turned 3 years on Saturday…although it’s technically older, as the domain name was bought on 13th April 2004. For its first three years, it has had 621 000 visitors. During this period of time, it raised from the depths to one of the most common places people visit when searching for John Frusciante-related news and media; very often the RHCP-related stuff as well. The record breaking days were those of the 2005 performance at the All Tomorrow’s Parties Festival in UK, the centential celebration in Las Vegas, the release of RHCP’s Stadium Arcadium, time after all three shows Marian took videos at…

  • Site updates, 21st November 2007

    This one’s long, so it will have to be divided into two parts. Gallery contributions by visitors A drawing by Amy Hill is here. A wallpaper by Jacob is here, also available in 800×600. An addition to the cover-power! The audio section was finally updated, with of the missing cover audios for this year – For Emily (Wherever I May Find Her) from the show in Brisbane on 13th April 2007. Many thanks to James Schultz for this gem. Video coming soon. Do not ask me about the status of the rest of the audio and video sections at the moment. It will be done. Live photography Brisbane, 13th April…

  • Site updates, 11th November 2007

    Boring title does not have to neccessarily lead to a boring update, but it surely is more dramatic, as the chance to use the 600 000 visitors dramatic title is already passé. Either way, considering that it’s “just” the gallery, it might be boring to some people, but there was no time for anything else this week. Gallery updates It has been brought to my attention that some people claim this site has no gallery and that they can’t find stuff on it. My sole comment to that is WHAAAAAAAAT?. As much as I know that the last navigation link breaks in older versions of Internet Explorer, the navigation is…

  • Invisible Movement’s Facebook Page thing

    Invisible Movement now has one of those Pages* on Facebook….err, pages as in profiles for things that aren’t people. Go on, be a fan of it! *It’s listed as “Product”, as there’s no category “Website” and I did not want to have it listed under non-profit or religions organisations, like owners of some other similar sites did.

  • Site updates, 23rd September 2007

    Yes, it’s been a little while again. But there’s been a lot of stuff. Look below. Cosmetic changes you won’t care about…or maybe you will?! There’s a brand spanking header image that loads randomly. The old one is still there, too. For everyone who remembers how the site looked like between January and May 2006, that would be nothing new. Speaking of random, the list of random quotes from songs grew from S to XXL. And yes, I shall put them somewhere where they’ll be seen more easily. The navigation bars on subpages (they’re called breadcrumbs, btw) are now highlighted. Live photography update 07th December 2006, Vienna – by George…

  • Site updates, 03rd September 2007

    NEW live and live press photos At last, some photos from one of the last 3 shows of the tour… 26th August, Leeds Festival – by Richard Riley 25th August, Reading – press 23rd August, Glasgow – by Dave L Older stuff, from back in 2003 to earlier this year 10th April 2007, Melbourne – by Chris 13th November 2006, Los Angeles – by 02nd October 2006, Boston – by Jamie 02nd October 2006, Boston – by Jamie 15th July 2006, London – by Anita C.S. 14th June 2006, Prague – by Maja Radin 24th August 2003, Glasgow – by Michelle Bevan 12th March 2003, Manchester – by Michelle…

  • Site updates, 28th August 2007

    Screencaps Alternate Desecration Smile video screencaps – by yours truly Snow (Hey Oh) screencaps – many thanks to Flavia for having done these This makes the collection of screencaps from RHCP music videos complete. 24 in total. 1201 pics for your viewing pleasure. Yes, screencap maniacs, I’m talking to you. And if you think you didn’t read the above well or that I, god forbid, made a typo, yes there is an alternate version of the Desecration Smile video. Magazine scans Bam magazine, 03rd November 1989 Juice magazine, October 2000 Kerrang, March 2001 *all of the above thanks to amazing Giz. More exciting stuff coming soon, very very soon. I…

  • board’s 2nd anniversary

    Ladies and gentlemen, today, 2 years ago, the discussion board of this website came to life. However, as one of the head moderators is having some serious problems and we’re all worried for her, this year we won’t be celebrating. I’m using this occasion to say that we’re sending good vibes her way. Of course, everyone who has not joined the board in the past is still welcome to jump on and have a chat.

  • New poll!

    After running the previous poll for more than a month and having had 1307 people vote, there’s a clear picture of what John and RHCP fans think of Josh Klinghoffer’s According to 53% of voters did not mind Josh’s presence at all or they loved it. The number of people who were not happy with his presence equals 23%, while 22% think he should be involved in John’s solo projects, but not with anything that concerns Red Hot Chili Peppers. 2% of people had no clue who Josh was. This should entertain you, guys. Some people pointed out that Chris Warren, Chad’s drum tech, has been playing keyboards on By…

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