Site updates
Site updates, 04th August 2007
Even more magazine transcripts Spin, February 1990 Alternative Press, July 1999 Kerrang!, March 2001 Guitar One, April 2001 Total Guitar, April 2001 Guitar World, August 2002 Spin, August 2002 Guitar One, January 2003 Guitarist, June 2003 Kerrang!, 29th April 2006 Dazed and Confused, May 2006 EPS, May 2006* GQ (UK edition), May 2006 SAIN, May 2006 Blender, June 2006 Guitarist, August 2006 Guitar Player, November 2006 HoBo magazine, issue 5 TG Awards issue 2006 All these were typed out by Caroline apart from the one with (*), which was translated and typed out by Esther. And once again, if you have bought some cool rare old magazine or if you…
Site updates, 01st August 2007
Having hit the 500 000 visitors milestone right after the month’s started, 08th July being the best day in the site history when it comes to number of visitors and the whole month of July being the overall statistics champion ever since the site went online, Invisible Movement sure has reasons to celebrate. Green Fest story, first three parts Due to an extreme lack of time and sudden raise of this website’s popularity, I have managed to write only three parts of the Green Fest story so far. The rest of the pages are password-protected as I have not finished them yet, but I promise that will be done soon.…
Site updates, 27th July 2007
Guess what? Automatic update notification is back, thanks to FeedBurner, an awesome website that helps you keep track of everything you want to read. You can choose to subscribe to the Invisible Movement’s RSS feed or, if you’re not into the web 2.0 stuff yet, there’s the good old email subscription form. This time, it’s spam proof, as it’s handled by an external service. Videos are back! The video downloads page is living again. So far, I put back the most wanted section of it, the interviews. So many people asked for the 2006 Guitar World lesson & interview. Well, now you can download it again. Interviews, 1988-1992 Interviews, 1993-1997…
Site updates, 22nd July 2007
First of all, an apology. The “next two days” from the previous update have already turned into a week. Basically, the weather here is unbearable, over 40 degrees Celsius (100 Fahrenheit for you guys over there in USA) and it’s impossible to function normally. Cosmetic/performance changes on the site: Once upon a time, there used to be a possibility for people to reply to each other’s comments, like on the oldschool web 1.0. forums. Well, now it exists again. Also, comments are paged, so only ten of them appear on a single page. The guestbook is finally split in pages as well. There are many other interesting things on comment…
Site updates, 14th July 2007
First of all, please, stop asking me about the audio files that aren’t working at the moment. I said I would eventually take care of that and it takes some work and, more importantly, some time. Invisible Movement has never been THIS popular and it’s a bit hard to get used to it. I have 300 mails in my inbox at the moment and about 100 more in drafts, the most of them are related to the site, so…sorry for being slow, it’s not physically possible to do so many things at once. Second of all, an apology to Casey. You commented four times and I thought I deleted three…
Site updates, 05th July 2007
First of all, a little warning: anyone abusing the star system and using obsene language will be banned from seeing this whole internet domain. If you have an attitude problem, go and vent someplace else, there are plenty of places for that. Grow up, seriously. New photos 01st July, Hamburg – by Kerstin Rackow 04th July, Dresden – by Kerstin Rackow There will definitely be more photos from München, as well as some from Chorzow, Dresden and Paris, as some friends were or are going to be there; so watch for the updates. New audio material 10th March, 22nd, 24th, the second 29th June, 01st and 04th July covers are…
Site updates, 01st July 2007 – 500 000 visitors and goodies!
So, 01st July was THE day…Invisible Movement has reached half million visitors. Congragulations (and candies) are always accepted and I hope that 1 000 000 visitors will be celebrated in the lights of some less controversial story than last Tuesday’s. Fans’ photos from the recent shows: 26th June, InÄ‘ija – by Fiona McStay 26th June, InÄ‘ija – by Kristina Trupeljak 26th June, InÄ‘ija – by Marina Grozda 28th June, Udine – by Enrica Ambrosini 28th June, Udine – by Hrvoje Baudoin 28th June, Udine – by Kristina Trupeljak 29th June, München – by Mrs.Pissy Press’ photos from the recent shows: 24th June, Nijemegen 26th June, InÄ‘ija Audio from the recent…
My photos from Green Fest…
…can be reached by clicking here. They’re better than Vienna ones, as I had my own camera with me. Enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them, even though that would be a bit impossible, as the pleasure of being there was UNMEASURABLE! Videos and photos from other people coming soon! And something tells me there will be nice stuff from tonight’s show in Udine as well 😉 I also have my little sources who told me that John is fine, so thanks for all your messages, I wish he could know how much you and I care about him and how he’s feeling and how thankful the majority…
Site updates, 19th June 2007
A quick update to say that following years’ audio archives have been updated. The next thing to do would be fixing the non-working links for 2006 and live solo sections and then I’ll probably have to stop for a while because of rather obvious obligations and because 1988-1992, 2000, 2002 and 2003 deserve as much attention as 2006, as they’re probably going to be as huge. 1998 2001 2004 2005
Site updates, 14th June 2007
Updates in Information Others On Him section has been updated with Steve Vai’s comment on John from earlier this year. Updates in Gallery Fanart section is back. Feel free to send in your stuff, as long as it was REALLY done by you! Press photos is a new section, made to sort the orphaned scans separately from the photos that have been sent in by those who most likely bought them off the services used for such purposes. Advertisements and flyers gallery has been updated with two more images.a li Updates in audio 2007 covers & co …as many of them as I could find, at last. Enjoy, you asked…