• Q’s Top 100

    (Thanks to Caroline for info I used for this news item) In this month’s Q magazine, two of John’s songs got into the 2004’s Top 100, both of them in “best loud” category. Those songs are “Wednesday’s Song” and John’s cover of Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love”, which was also recommended as a good download. Rock on!;)

  • Vote for SCWP at abc.net.au

    I thought I posted this, so sorry if you received it twice. You can vote for Shadows Collide With People as the album of the year, right here 🙂

  • Welcome:)

    The moment has finally come. Welcome to invisible-movement.net. Please note that many of the pages, even one whole section, gigography in particular, haven’t been finished yet, as I am very tired and busy with university, but I am working on them almost every day, as much as the time permits. Thanks to everyone who contributed in this project. Thanks to John for having inspired me to create this website. Feel free to leave a comment by clicking below or in the guestbook. Or, you can contact me….yours, Iva.

  • ASITHOS and Curtains release dates

    Thanks to ShyPepper for this studious research:) A Sphere In The Heat Of Silence 29.11.2004 @ amazon.de, bol.de and jpc.de 23.11.2004 @ amazon.com 6.12.2004 @ amazon.co.uk Curtains 6.12.2004 @ amazon.de, bol.de and jpc.de 25.1.2005 @ amazon.com 25.1.2005 @ amazon.co.uk

  • 2004 EMAs

    RHCP have just lost the EMA for best rock, the winner was Linkin Park.

  • A snippet from Record Collection

    Releasing 6 records in 6 months has been an insane amount of work but well worth it. RC feels lucky to be the first label that we know of to release this much work from a single artist in such a short time frame. We were all very big Frusciante fans before he joined our team and every record he turns in makes it that much better. All of John’s albums will continue to be released on vinyl as well as CD and don’t be suprised if there are a few more things up our sleeve for 2005. (thanks to Kim, this was a response to her post on RC…

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