• RHCP in Brazil this year?!

    Thanks to Flavia for translation and news. Red Hot Chili Peppers and GN’R will play shows in Brazil; RBD announces extra concert. From Folha Online The bands RHCP and GN’R will come to Brazil this year. Still pending to set places and dates of the concerts.

  • Red Hot Chili Peppers - A Dutch Connection

    Red Hot Chili Peppers – A Dutch Connection has its North American premiere today!

    As some of you have probably seen on the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ official website, the documentary which was first aired last year after the show in Nijemegen will be shown again on Nederland 3, VPRO at 19.50 CET. However, there’s much more to it. This stunning documentary is making its USA premiere today, at 2:30 PM at the Beverly Hills Film Festival. It will be shown without Dutch subtitles, entirely in English language and, of course, in a quality much better than ever before. Here’s the author’s own synopsis: When Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante was living the life of a junkie in a tiny appartement in…

  • Web bands for supporting Ataxia reunion campaign!

    A couple of people asked what was the thing in the top left corner of the page…well, I made it, I was testing it out and, as of today, it’s another way of promotion the Ataxia reunion petition. It’s really simple and you don’t have to be the world’s greatest web designer to insert it onto your web page… …it doesn’t even have to be a page, it can even be your Myspace profile! So, that said, click here to get a web band for your website or here> to get a web band for your Myspace page, LiveJournal or any other place where Javascript is not allowed. It’s a…

  • Site updates, 08th April 2008

    This week’s updates are a bit different, because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, all pork and no wlay..see? Hope you will enjoy them, as there are many hidden gems inside, as well as things you might have forgotten about. A collection of a professional’s live photos from 2006 One set of live photos Five sets of magazine scans Many album booklets’ scans have been added and the ads and other stuff sections have been slightly reorganised Four new magazine articles Two more excellent jams Professional live photography I’m pleased to announce that Jackie Butler, a…

  • Ataxia Reunion cause is now on Myspace, too.

    The cause is now on Myspace as well, so if you do not have a Facebook account or you, for any reason, don’t want to sign the petition on the domain, you can join the cause here. It is important to complete all the steps, so click the link and do what the system tells you to do. Add the campaign as a friend and then click here to join the cause.

  • An Ataxia Reunion Petition has been launched!

    The story started on 17th March, when Richee, an avid I-M.net reader since the very beginning has posted his question to Joe Lally. Surprisingly (or not), it encouraged other people to ask the same and, after the interview with Joe has been completed, the teams behind Invisible Movement, JKDN and Stonecoldbush.com came up with this original idea, and the ladies of JKDN, being the people known for reacting very fast, acquired a domain name and started gathering signatures. So, seriously, what is this about? It’s about you and how much you would like to see Ataxia reunited and live, as 02nd February 2009 will mark the fifth anniversary of the…

  • A new photo

    This is for all of you who desperately search for photos, once again. Here’s a nice photo of John with friends at the premiere of Daniel Lenois’ movie, Here Is What Is. Daniel Lanois performed in conjunction with two screenings of his movie on Thursday, March 27, at the Vista Theatre in Silver Lake. The image has been slightly resized to fit the column, so please click on it to see it in its full size. For more information about Mr. Lenois’ movie, click here.

  • Site updates, 30th March 2008

    Another set of updates was delayed even though I thought it wouldn’t be. Working on a complicated database of employees of a very large company does its thing, I’m afraid; so do three other projects. I’m also sorry about the current lack of a new playlist, but once all of this is done, there will be a completely new look for the site as well, so there will be more time for developing playlists. Also, I apologise for temporary outages of both polls and the playlist, I was upgrading those components and they were not behaving well at some points. Bad components. Either way, here’s this week’s list of updates.…

  • Joe Lally interview is online!

    Last week, I asked the visitors of Invisible Movement to submit a question to Joe Lally, the Fugazi and Ataxia bassist and a solo artist. Kez of JoshKlinghoffer.net had a lengthy conversation with Joe (“lengthy” as in “almost fifty minutes”) and it’s online now. So, if you are interested in hearing how and when Joe, John and Josh met, who’s the original friend of Joe’s in RHCP, how the Ataxia’s songs were created, what Montreal is actually about, what the life after Fugazi, living in Italy and being a father are like… and much much more, have a listen or download the audio. Also, one of Joe’s new songs, from…

  • RHCP on MTV’s 4REAL in April

    Various celebrities will be featured on a MTV documentary series titled 4 Real which captures the stars embarking to different countries to connect with leaders inspiring change in their nations. The eight part series, which will launch on April 14, will be separate 30-minute episodes. Stars who will be feature don the show include rapper K’naan, M.I.A, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joaquin Phoenix, Cameron Diaz, Eva Mendes and Casey Affleck. The RHCP episode will be aired on 28th April.

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