• Weekly playlist: 20th – 26th February 2008

    Here’s a brief list of what’s on this week’s playlist.To read more about it and see where you can get the last one if you liked it, click the “continue reading” link. This week’s playlist has a dedication. But the dedication shall remain a … …mystery. 13th February 2001: Modern Love 27th May 1990: Pretty Little Ditty 11th August 2006: Untitled #3 28th January 2001: Country Feedback 28th January 2000: Your Pussy is Glued To A Building On Fire 2002: John is describing songwriting process in RHCP 05th August 2000: Forming II 14th June 2006: End Jam 28th January 2001: Beginning Again 06th June 2007: SOS I’ll add descriptions soon.…

  • Site updates, 18th February 2008

    The updates for the week are here. As it’s the practice in the most of cases, here’s a short summary and, for everything else, continue reading. One new set of magazine scans Two new random cuttings One-year-worth of press photos One magazine article One interview transcript Three album reviews One audio interview One cover song from 1998 Two new video clips Magazine scans Guitar World, July 2006 – as some people requested so, I have added the other article from this magazine, the one where Flea is talking about the history of RHCP (and says many nice things about John as well). The names of other files have changed to…

  • Regarding your FTP troubles

    For everyone who had trouble understanding how to download the DVD of RHCP’s performance at Green Fest when I announced it in the previous news item I’ve just written a handy billingual tutorial on how to do it, step by step. Click here to read it. Given that the most of Invisible Movement visitors are from English speaking countries and the Balkans, this should clear most people’s doubts. If you still have questions after having read the tutorial, do ask in comments to this news item. If it still doesn’t work after all this, perhaps your internet service provider has disabled use of FTP (which is common for some work…

  • Green Fest DVD is online!

    Green Fest DVD, made by Hcrockso is now online on the FTP of Stone Cold Bush. You will have to registed on the website and follow these instructions to access the FTP. Once logged in, go to the DVD_RHCP directory, then to 2007-06-26 Indjija, Serbia and start downloading. Your download should take less than a day on 1 Mbps connection, about a day at 768 Kbps and such. The DVD contains of the RTS broadcast, .avi files of which are available here, amateur videos of Throw Away Your Television, Snow ((Hey Oh)) and Don’t Forget Me, as well as a short documentary filmed about the event, with TV host interviewing…

  • Weekly playlist: 14th – 19th February 2008

    Here’s a brief list of what’s on this one-day-shorter-than-usual week’s playlist, which is a bit more messy this time, to see if you always play it until the end or not. To read more about it and see where you can get the last one if you liked it, click the “continue reading” link. This week’s playlist is, as you can see, themed. There are actually two times: celebrating seven years from the release of To Record Only Water For Ten Days and, obviously, celebrating the love, as today is 14th February. I’m not too keen on these things myself (made-up commercial holidays, not love); but I figured out it…

  • Straight from the mouth of Chad Smith: RHCP back to work soon!

    As reported by ultimage-guitar.com, via s-a.com: Chad Smith gave a couple of short interviews at this year’s MusicaRes event, prior to the anual Grammy awards and the one that got the most attention was surely the one about Red Hot Chili Peppers’ further plans; which definitely leaves us an open dor to speculate about the 10th album. Mr. Smith was quotted saying: “We’re just taking a little hiatus, just relaxing. We toured a lot in the last year and a half, so it’s family time, and then we’ll recharge and get together sometime this year and make some more music.” Here’s a little video clip of it, courtesy of Artisan…

  • A review of Calibration with a huge bit on John!

    The Maneater recommends Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s Calibration as a worthy listen and, (not) surprisingly, they said that Glosa Picaresca Wou Men is the most listenworthy track on it. Another common collaborator of Rodriguez-Lopez’s, Red Hot Chili Peppers’ guitarist John Frusciante, brings forth the best effort on this album. Oddly enough it is not for a guitar solo, but for lead vocals on “Glosa Picaresca Wou Mên.” His haunting vocals fade in and out only revealing certain lyrics, such as “I know where I’m at/I know where I’m at.” Maybe Frusciante knows, but anyone listening has no clue where they are. You can read the whole review here. And here’s another one,…

  • Site updates, 12th February 2008

    The updates for the week are here. As it’s the practice in the most of cases, here’s a short summary and, for everything else, continue reading. Regarding video clips I’d promised: they’ll be up by the end of the working week. Four new magazine scans: one from 2000, one from 2005, two from 2004 13 new random pics from various years and one missing scan bit One new set of screencaps One new magazine article Magazine scans Rolling Stone, 27th April 2000 – thanks to Marian Tribe, March 2004 Wom, July 2004 – both thanks to Giz Total Guitar, Hero Worship Explosion – put in 2005 section, but in case…

  • Bits and bites, part two

    Another band that (almost) swears by John Members of Here Is There, a band from Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA stated in an interview that John is their biggest idol and influence. Here Is There’s influences include David Bowie, The Strokes, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and especially John Frusciante. “He is God,” Chris said. “I want some kid to listen to us like the way that I listen to John Frusciante.” RHCP’s Navarro episode on the list of worst career reinventions ever The popular website publishing various, semi-humorous and more often sarcastic lists of this and that, considers RHCP’s excursion in the dark and experimental waters with Dave Navarro to be one…

  • Bits and bites of news from everywhere

    Robert Francis A tango/thrash musician Robert Francis is becoming more and more popular in the Los Angeles area and he’s giving free shows at Silverlake Lounge every monday. And why is that interesting? Here’s a quote from a couple of sources to answer that question: His upbringing is another — family friend Ry Cooder gave him his first guitar; John Frusciante gave him lessons; he remembers stealing onstage at age 8 with Harry Dean Stanton and band at the Mint; his sister Juliette Commagere fronts the L.A. band Hello Stranger. This sure makes Mr. Francis a recommendation, you can hear some of his music here. Snow ((Hey Oh)) as a…

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