RHCP fanclub adds more action to its MySpace
As it was announced here, all RHCP fanclub members who had filled in their profile and who are, I guess, likeable enough by the staff, have a chance of becoming fans of the week as it’s been a practice for a while, but also a top friend on the band’s MySpace page. So, if you’re interested and are a fanclub member, go on and fill your profile, maybe they’ll select you!
Weekly playlist: 06th-13th February 2008
Here’s a brief list of what’s on this week’s playlist, and it doesn’t need much further explanation, as all of these clips are from the same show, called Egos and Icons; aired on now-dead British TV channel, The Amp, sometime in 2004The clips are from various eras of John’s career with RHCP, very random and containing interesting interview bits, so I do hope you’ll enjoy it. Twelve interview snippets from The Amp: snippet 1 Twelve interview snippets from The Amp: snippet 2 Twelve interview snippets from The Amp: snippet 3 Twelve interview snippets from The Amp: snippet 4 Twelve interview snippets from The Amp: snippet 5 Twelve interview snippets from…
Calibration out today in USA! Listening party on MySpace and more.
The long-expected and much promoted solo effort of The Mars Volta’s guitarist and mastermind, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, is finally seeing the light of the day in USA today. Beta Records’ MySpace page will host a listening party at 7 PM PST (GMT -9), so if you can make it there, click on their link for more information. I assume the “live TV” module on their page would broadcast it, though. N20 records posted numerous bulletins prompting fans to physically buy the CD. However, it’s not possible in everyone’s case and I sense many people are interested solely in one song, so I listed all possible links for you. Purchase links: You…
Site updates, 04th February 2008
Yup, it happens to be wee morning hours of Tuesday instead of a Sunday afternoon, at least in the timezone where, according to Alexa, the most of I-M.net’s readers are. The reasons were elections, waiting for the main thing for this update (I’m not telling you which is the main thing here, you will have to take a wild guess…) and such. But here it is, here it is. Also, sixth version of the site is on the way. I am not exactly sure when it will be up, but I’m sure that it’s NOT going to support 800×600 screen resolution and that some things will be clearer. So, expect…
More press bits on Bedlam (a long one)
And, if you haven’t got The Bedlam In Goliath yet, click here for information on how to obtain it. So…the initial dillema of where John exactly is on the album hasn’t been exactly solved, as it’s more complex than it looks like. Here’s what Omar Rodriguez-Lopez said to Harp magazine; which will hopefully clear everything up for people wondering where John is on The Bedlam In Goliath: “John’s our secret weapon,†Rodriguez-Lopez says. “He’s always willing to allow me to utilize him in whatever way we want. On this record, he learned and memorized, down to the nuances and the odd way of picking, certain solos that I did, and…
Weekly playlist, 30th January – 05th February 2008
Here’s a brief list of what’s on this week’s playlist, which is a bit more messy this time, to see if you always play it until the end or not. To read more about it and see where you can get the last one if you liked it, click the “continue reading” link. 2008, John interview and RHCP performing, from Johnny Ramone documentary 2005, 23rd April: Untitled #3 2006, 30th November: Runaway 2006, 01st October: Intro 2001, 14th December: Your Pussy Is Glued To A Building On Fire / I Could Have Lied 2002, 24th November: Maybe The Mars Volta: Wax Simulacra clip A cover of 23 Go Into End…
Invisible-Movement.net is on MySpace
I have (finally) made a page for Invisible-Movement.net on MySpace. Here it is, add it to your friends. And don’t worry, it won’t be one of the pages cluttering your bulletin board and friends’ updates section ten thousand times a day. Currently, I’m in the process of looking for a band whose music will be on I-M.net’s MySpace as a default profile song during February 2008. It’s first come, first serve so…drop me a line over there or here. Oh yes, and, for now, those who have been featured on the site playlist aren’t eligible for this; but they will be in future.
The Bedlam In Goliath is out today!
The eagerly expected new CD of The Mars Volta is out today and, as it’s been the case ever since their 2003 debut album, John is a contributor. According to an interview that Omar Rodriguez-Lopez gave to the February issue of the eminent German magazine Musikexpress, John learned all solos by heart and can be heard through the right speaker, which makes the sound atmospherically thighter… and weird. It’s still unclear which exact track he’s on, so if anyone has the album yet, please do read the credits and help out. To buy the album the old-fashioned way, go to your local record store or, if you live in the…
Site updates, 27th January 2008
As you might have noticed, there was no playlist update on Wednesday. I decided to keep this one for one more week and focus on re-uploading some important stuff. But don’t worry, there will be a new playlist on 30th January and, for now, here’s quite a large update, containing some material from the Johnny Ramone tribute, with a very nice John interview…oh yes, that one will be on the playlist on Wednesday as well, for those people who are not so keen on downloading. A brief list of updates is below. For the details and links, there’s the “continue reading†link. Forum and fanlisting milestones One more language in…
Two of John’s collaborations on an eminent radio’s charts!
(Many thanks to wonderful Tihana for heads up!) The Balkans-wide famous Croatian radio, Otvoreni Radio‘s playlist is full of John’s collaborations. And you can help make it even better, by voting, if that’s your idea of popularising music and making it heard and discovered by new people. For the last week, the absolute number one on the foreign charts has been (surprise, surprise!), Wu-Tang Clan’s excellent The Heart Gently Weeps, featuring Dhani Harrison, Erykah Badu and our man. At the same time, the new entry on the position 27 is Dave Gahan’s Saw Something, yet another song featuring John. To vote for any of the songs and ensure their higher…