• Happy 38th birthday to John!

    As the most of people visiting this (a) corner of the cyberspace, today is John’s birthday and he’s thirty-eight years old. Though there’s, like, 1% probability he’d ever read this; warm greetings from me and everyone in the Invisible Movement community! If you want to wish John a happy birthday, there’s a thread on the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ official message board. Click here!. They also have a news item for it. You can also join the little party we’re having on the Invisible Movement boards, click here. ♥ Love above everything! ♥

  • The first event photos in 2008!

    71584 Here’s some relief to all of you who keep on typing “john frusciante photos 2008” in your search boxes and, believe it or not, there are 30-50 such searches per day, according to the site statistics. As some of you might have heard, John was present at the opening of Julian Schnabel’s exhibition in Los Angeles on 21st February. Thanks to wonderful Julia, here are three photos from the event. Click on the thumbnail to see the album.

  • Site updates, 03rd March 2008

    Here’s this week set of updates, containing one complete beautiful audio show that was requested many times by the site visitors, even more live photos and…well, take a look at the list. One complete audio show, in mp3 and flac Thirteen new sets of live photos: from 2003, 2006 and 2007 One set of live photos updated and some mistakes fixed One new set of magazine scans One new set of screencaps/stills A separate section under articles, for letters; and four letters inside of it An acoustic audio show From today on, you’ll be able to download John’s amazing performance at the All Tomorrow’s Parties Festival on 23rd April 2005,…

  • EMI to re-release the first four RHCP albums (again!?)

    (Many thanks to Lauren for the heads up!) According to AlbumVote, EMI is, oops, doing it again. Red Hot Chili Peppers are to have their first four studio albums re-mastered, re-packaged and re-released on March 24 2008. 1984’s self-titled debut will have five extra tracks, 1985’s Freaky Styley will have four extra tracks and there will be an extra two tracks included on 1987’s The Uplift Mofo Party Plan. 1989’s Mother’s Milk will come with an extra 6 tracks. According to some other sources, this might be a mixup with the news from 2003, so it’s not 100% sure.

  • Donation Rally 2008 is on!

    The search for volunteer is now over, so, if you received the previous update on this together with this one, feel free to discard it. There have been three candidates who have applied to help with gathering donations and I’m more than thankful to them. However, as a friend is gathering donations for his own website (many things from which end up on Invisible Movement as well), I thought it would be the best choice. So, click this button to donate money for the next fourteen months of Invisible-Movement.net’s hosting. The goal is aproxx. 100 Euros / 150 $ / 76 GBP and, IF more than needed is gathered eventually,…

  • Chad Smith - Eastern Rim

    Eastern Rim out soon

    The story about Chad’s DVD, Eastern Rim, was definitely not a rumour. The piece, which is very relevant to John appreciators as it contains footage of the amazing jam held on on 11th April last year in Melbourne will be available on DVD from 10th March on. Performances: In addition to rare, behind-the-scenes views of a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, this DVD captures an explosive 30-minute improv live from Federation Square in Melbourne. Chad and his band mates surprise the crowd by turning a scheduled drum clinic into a full-fledged jam! To read more and order the DVD, click here. *Thanks to Jason for heads up!

  • Invisible Movement needs your help (again, unfortunately!)

    OK, this one is serious. And rather urgent. Invisible Movement needs help to stay on its feet for the second time. For those of you who were not following this website in November 2006 and for those of you who don’t remember it, back in the days the old hosting company kicked I-M.net out of its server because of “using up too much of the system resources” and, thanks to an amazing person, who partly made this site what it is and who is and always will be the most wonderful human on Earth, no matter where she is and what she is doing right now, who agreed to accept…

  • Site updates, 26th February 2008

    The week behind us leaves its mark by an one-day-hiatus on Friday (there were two reasons for it and you can read about one of them here, just so you’d know it wasn’t some stupid thing!); BUT also an extra large update in the live photography gallery, including three photos from Mother’s Milk era, something from 2003 and some from 2006 and 2007. I can also assure you that there will be more next week. Also, the gigography section is temporarily offline, as it’s being rebuilt. If you have been to any of John’s solo shows in 2001, performances in 2004, shows with Thelonious Monster in 1997, ATP Festival or…

  • RHCP are on WishList for Portugese WorldPeaceOne event

    (thanks to Ilyk for the news) Portugal has signed on to WP1 and its May 17, 2008 global concert broadcast in Lisbon. The event location, security, police, medical staff, stage, sound, lights, event production and tickets sales are being provided. Concessions, merchandise and local fundraising campaigns will also be included. The country of Portugal has taken a leading role in supporting WP1 and its Ten-Year Global Peace Initiative. In Lisbon, Portugal’s Capital City, localofficials, business leaders and Peace activists are offering to host WP1’s First Annual Global Peace Symposium, sometime in the summer of 2008. As a gesture toward Peaceful Diplomacy and National Security, Portugal’s Government and several large corporations…

  • One more blurb on RHCP’s hibernation/hiatus

    As Contact Music reported, here’s one more thing Chad Smith said regarding the current RHCP hiatus and, well, it’s up to you to count when they will be coming back to work. “We took a look at each other in September (07) and we were like, ‘You know what? I love you guys, but we all kind of need a break,’ and we all said, ‘Let’s reconvene in one year.'”

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