• Site changes ahead…

    Big news, everyone. Invisible-Movement.net is going through a redesign/refreshment since its anniversary is in 10 days and it’s a normal thing to look pretty on your own birthday. Its birthday is, as the text with the counter says, 24th November (mine is 3rd March and I’ll be 23, but I doubt that you care…). By that day, you might be seeing errors everywhere on the site, leftovers of the brown/gold colour combination, misplaced page parts and so on. Please, have patience and, if you think that something is horribly wrong and it’s still wrong after you’ve checked it a couple of times…email me and I will fix it. Also, users…

  • New rumours on RHCP album(s) and tour

    According to chiliman from the RHCP BBS who had the time of his life when Chad Smith visited his highschool… …RHCP have not recorded one album, but two and those two albums are most likely not going to be published as a double album, but one after another, with a year between them, so the band can give more attention to touring. And, also, John will be participating in the recording on the new The Mars Volta album and the same band is rumoured to be one of the possible support bands for RHCP. Note that this information is unofficial, so don’t ask me any additional questions.

  • 5th December concert: 4 more tickets available

    4 more tickets are available only: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/7734 If anyone wants to go, you better hurry up! And please, pretty please, if you’re going, email me and tell me what was like. Have mercy on one retarded idiot who runs a website.

  • John to play with Omar in London and more…

    Yet again, for the second and maybe not only the second time this year (read on for further explanation), people in United Kingdom and those who can make it to there will be fortunate enough to see John Frusciante live, as one of the 5 people in Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’ s quintet. The quintet will be performing all over Europe during this month, but, unfortunately, probably since the rest of Europe is not attractive enough or due to his busy schedule, John won’t be performing with them. According to an unknown source quotted on 4th Dimension fanclub website, John will be joining Omar Rodriguez-Lopez’s quintet on Dec 5th 2005 in London,…

  • And yet another eBay auction

    So, a couple of days ago, there was someone selling one of John’s rare paintings from the dark years. The auction ended with no bids and it’s not known what happened. Now, just when the dust has fallen down, there’s yet another auction. This time, it contains three coloured pencil drawings, one BMI medal from 1993 and a book about RHCP signed by John. Apparently, from what I checked when I saw what pictures are coming from, once again, this guy was just hired to sell the stuff for someone else. He has a whole company for helping people sell their stuff on eBay. Come to think, it was not…

  • A classic update

    As you can see, the site and the board are working properly now. The issues are history for the time being. So, browse the site, post on the board or sign up to the fanlisting which is working again 🙂 Today’s update is fairly small, but there’s more to come. There are 4 new wallpapers made by me. I am pretty proud of the latest one, so check it out. In the gallery, at this very moment, there are just two new sets of screencaps. The links have also been updated. So, as I said, more later…

  • John talks about the gig of his lifetime

    (from Telegraph, thanks to Adam) Going to a Butthole Surfers show in the late 1980s was like going to a doctor from the year 3000 – they helped people with the sounds they made. At this show, they had two drummers, and the craziest films going on behind them. The whole thing was like a big acid trip. You could almost see the music in the air. Paul Leary took guitar-playing to another place. He could pick his notes from the air, and turn them into something beautiful. Singer Gibby Haynes put all these effects on his voice – slowing it down, speeding it up. It was like hearing time…

  • John did it again…

    …he performed with The Mars Volta, that is. Here’s a short “report”, as said by Sandra from the RHCP BBS. John played with the Mars Volta again last night in Santa Barbara during L’Via again, and this was the most insane L’Via they’ve ever played. If a recording surfaces soon, everyone should get it and listen to it. Usually at the end of L’Via, a four-way solo happens between Ikey (keyboards), Omar, John, and Adrian (sax/flute/misc. percussion, but on this song, he does a flute solo). So the first round went as usual. On the second round, Omar started his solo but then John joined him. They were going crazy…

  • Authentic or not?

    This is supposedly one of John’s paintings from the 90s and someone is trying to sell it. Might be true, might be a fake, but, according to the story, it’s real.

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