Site updates
A nice site update
:mrgreen:Here’s one more big update to the site, so check out the following… There is a new wallpaper in the fans’ wallpapers section, made by Ezequiel. 4 new articles have been added. I’d like to thank Abby for the Automatic Writing review she found and Marie for having translated an article from a French-Canadian magazine. .:mrgreen: Links section has been updated with URLs leading to a couple of interesting places everyone should visit. Two new/old features have been added to the site. You’re now able to see how many users are browsing at the moment and when was the last time you visited. One feature has been updated. You can…
A complete makeover
As you can see (I guess it’s pretty obvious), has a brand new look yet again. There have been many people who didn’t like the old layout and it was a bit hard to navigate and, according to someone I know who has the third eye for art, a bit too dark. So, I decided to make a new one. Here it is. There are a couple of different head images and they will change randomly while you’re surfing the pages. As for submenus, they will appear on subpages. There are a couple of new features, such as the list of various web-based RSS readers you can add this…
Sorry for the downtime
As you could probably notice, the site was down for a couple of days, due to switching servers, changing DNS and some technical problems. I won’t bother you with what exactly happened because a site visitor didn’t comit a sin in order to be sentenced to listen to a geeky webmistress, so, forget it, we’re back and everything should be faster and the strange bug associated to many threads on the board should be gone. Also, be aware that if you sent me an email between 6th and 9th January 2006, I probably didn’t receive it. Thanks for your love and patience 🙂
One clip and some icons
As promised…go check the videos section for a new clip and also the icons/avatars section for the newest additions. Screencaps, audio, magazine articles and more videos coming up very very soon.
…and more…
Another big pictures update, since I’ve been messing around with the unfinished dark corners of the gallery. So… – At last, screencaps from the Funky Monks DVD and the Greatest Hits DVD’s “roadwork” section are online. So, click here and here to see them – Screencaps from RHCP’s Under The Bridge video have also been revamped and they’re bigger and better now. They’re here and the screencaps from the other videos will be revamped as well, as the server space used to be pretty much limited and it’s not like that anymore, so why not enjoy them in their full size? – Two more small galleries of concert photos, one…
One of the last big site updates in 2005
Here it goes, another “classic” update. There haven’t been many of them recently and I apologise, I have a very important project at work due by the end of 2005 and two heavy university exams in January, which is also the month when all the Ortodox holidays are being celebrated, so I can’t work on this site as much as I would like to. Also, huge apologises to everyone who’s emailed me and all the people who were nice enough to sign the guestbook. I will respond to you and/or thank you as soon as I can, my mailbox is a mess. Articles section has been updated at last. And…
Happy 1st birthday to
Just like the title of this news item says, happy birthday to Invisible Movement! Two days later than it should’ve been, I am sorry, I had lots of troubles at work and at the university and then I was too exhausted to make an update. I still am, even after unhealthy 28 hours of sleep, but, nevermind, here it goes…after this message. I can’t believe that it’s already been a year since the password-protection was removed from this page and since the first visitors checked out this website. I was surpised with how easily the fans accepted it and now I am as suprised with how the number of visitors…
100 000 visitors crossed the 100 000 visitors mark today:) Just that, more real news soon.
Site changes ahead…
Big news, everyone. is going through a redesign/refreshment since its anniversary is in 10 days and it’s a normal thing to look pretty on your own birthday. Its birthday is, as the text with the counter says, 24th November (mine is 3rd March and I’ll be 23, but I doubt that you care…). By that day, you might be seeing errors everywhere on the site, leftovers of the brown/gold colour combination, misplaced page parts and so on. Please, have patience and, if you think that something is horribly wrong and it’s still wrong after you’ve checked it a couple of times…email me and I will fix it. Also, users…
A classic update
As you can see, the site and the board are working properly now. The issues are history for the time being. So, browse the site, post on the board or sign up to the fanlisting which is working again 🙂 Today’s update is fairly small, but there’s more to come. There are 4 new wallpapers made by me. I am pretty proud of the latest one, so check it out. In the gallery, at this very moment, there are just two new sets of screencaps. The links have also been updated. So, as I said, more later…