Site updates

  • Invisible Movement Albany special part one!

    You saw this one coming, didn’t you? ^_^ A click on the image below will take you to the page with Albany videos. This time, Marian taped almost everything and, well, so far, I put online Scar Tissue and…probably the best video clip of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? ever. Download it and you will see what I’m talking about. Also, check out the photos Missy, Marian’s sister took at the show and after the show, right at this link. More coming soon, as we’re both getting a bit worn out from all this hard work and it’s less tiring when done step by step; hope you can understand…

  • Invisible Movement East Rutherford special part two!

    Six more videos have been added to the East Rutherford special page: full clips of the intro jam, Can’t Stop, Scar Tissue, Dani California and partial clips of Fortune Faded and Me & My Friends. That concludes the special, as there’s no more footage available. And, here are some pics from the same show, by the same person as well: click! Once again, if you want to say thanks to Marian for this, reply to the previous entry🙂

  • Invisible Movement East Rutherford special part one!

    So…it’s about time there was a special. Actually, don’t think anything ever was called special on this website…either way, it’s a special and I bet you will love it. It’s all media from the Tuesday’s show in East Rutherford and it’s all of high quality, all thanks to absolutely wonderful Marian. And what you see below is NOT everything, there will be more tomorrow, as I still need to edit it. Under this link, you will find 640×480 video clips of Readymade, Snow and Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. They are a bit bigger than the video files from some other shows, so please have patience when downloading. Dial-up…

  • Site updates – 19th October 2006

    The little break between the tour legs is over…it’s pretty obvious that this site took advantage of it as well, as many things are either changed or currently being changed. Read on… The gallery is back, minus the screencaps and fanart sections which needs to be redone, as the site obviously has more space than 2 years ago when the most of those screencaps were uplpaded and I am intending to make them bigger. You might also notice that the pictures are not opening in new windows. It’s a bug concerning the CMS and the gallery script used, the developers of the gallery script are investigating it. Until then, well,…

  • Maintenance + bribe

    So, less than 20 people emailed me to ask what was going on with the site this weekend and none of them did it in the “OMGz Ur MaD!1!!!! WUT teH h3lL iz goin’ oN? LOL” manner. Of course, that means: people do understand that this maintenance was neccessary. people do understand that this maintenance was neccessary. people liked the bribe from the previous maintenance entry. So, as the maintenance is still going on, I guess you’ll be interested in this and this? 😉 As far as the maintenance itself goes: All the sections of the site apart from the guestbook are accessible However, some of them do not have…

  • Current status

    In order to prevent questions…here’s an update of the current site status. -The board are not affected by any of these things. -Pages not linked from the main menu are working. Some of them have not been completed, though. -Guestbook isn’t back yet, as the spammer-safe and CMS-compatible script won’t work, as simple as that. -Everything that was previously working in the Information section (which is, all but the unfinished gear page) is working. Same goes for the Site, Links and Fanlisting sections. -Apart from videos, downloads are working, it’s just that some of them need to be added. To make you happy and to bribe you and not have…

  • Site updates – 22nd September 2006

    Ever had problems with gallery images displaying in pop up windows which are not scrolling and which aren’t big enough? Yes? Well, I apologise for that. From now on, gallery images are opening in a new window instead of a pop-up. I guess that’s more suitable for people with pop-up blockers, anyway. I apologise for any inconvinience you might’ve had in the past with oversized images in tiny windows. Also, the gallery is due to some much-needed changes this week, so this is probably the last time you’re seeing the gallery pages organised this way. It’s going to be completely chronological and easier to look at from now on…however, the…

  • Security alert/indentity forwarding

    This site was vandalized 2 hours ago (around 8 AM GMT +1), the front page was replaced, someone hacked into the administrator account as well as some other accounts in other places and sort of stole webmaster’s indentity. It turned out that someone also hacked into message board members’ private login information. If someone’s claiming to be me somewhere online and to know things about me or anyone else associated with Invisible-Movement, it’s NOT me, check the IPs. According to the logs on the server and a log on a friend’s board, people from 4 different countries are currently pretending to be me for whatever reason and I had to…

  • Site updates, 24th August 2006

    Here are the updates to the gallery. In the full magazine scans section, there’s one new set of scans, from the April 2001 issue of Guitar One. I’m working on adding the third Guitar One cover story to the collection, the one from 1999. Finally, there’s one more set of photos from one of John’s TROWFTD acoustic solo shows. Once again, it’s from the 15th March 2001, in New York City. The photos were taken by Yazan Fahmawi, they have not been seen on the internet before and you can find them right here. Enjoy them, they’re amazing. Back to 2006 and the current 1st leg of the USA tour……

  • board upgrade

    Just for your convinience and to avoid any confusion… The boards have undergone a software upgrade today. Many things have changed and there are some new features. Go and register if you aren’t there already.:smile:

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